Random Strangeness

On the weekend, my husband and I finally had some time to just randomly walk about town. We had Lunch at Sushiro*, walked over the Dokkyo Daigaku campus, talked about the olden days when we went there together, and then made a stop at the local recycling shop (which I talked about here).

The recycling shop never ceases to amaze me with the random and very strange objects that are offered. For a fan of strange things – like me – Japan is the perfect country. There are so many things, that can be found around here, that seem strange and fantastic and I love it.

The huge plastic Budweise beer can, though somewhat amusing, did not even make the cut, after I discovered my current two favorite “Random Strangeness” things.

Let’s take a moment to appreciate these Sake cups with Pin-ups from the 80s, before realizing, that the lingerie is only printed over the pictures (^_^) I should probably tag this as NSFW, but I just thought they are funny.
The stool on the other hand is really more on the creepy side. Who wants to have two cowboy legs in his living room? Especially with this ironing bord-eske, floral print top. Definitely way up on the strangeness list.

Many strange things can be found in Gachapon machines as well and so I was maybe not too surprised to find potato chip key fobs. Strangeness is when you see something like this and think “Kawaii! Hm, maybe I should buy one…” f(^_^;)

Random Strangeness (3)

*My favorite conveyor belt sushi restaurant back in the days, because it was right next to the university. We hadn’t been there for quite some time and I have to say, the Kura Sushi we go to around here is sooo much better. And it even has this awesome Bikkurapon. Sushi and Gachapon – What could be better?

7 thoughts on “Random Strangeness

  1. Those stuffs are indeed weird for me. kekekekeke.
    Ah, on my last arrival in Japan, I remembered I was addicted to Gachapon machines. Just to find out that I got few unwanted things. T_T


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