
I cannot remember the first time I heard about Japan, probably because I was too small when my father was working there. He was amazed by the country and the people and has told us stories about it ever since.As soon as I learned to read I started reading about Japan, followed by the obligatory fondness for Manga and Anime. I was collecting everything I could find about this far away land.

Nevertheless, my decision to study Japanese was more of a coincidence than planned. I was visiting universities and searching for the best place to go for another course of studies when I suddenly found the perfect program for me: East Asian Studies. This way I not only got to study Japanese but also got to learn about economy, geography, politics, history and culture of Japan.

My semester abroad in Tokyo then sealed my fate, I lost my heart in Japan.

Not only was Tokyo and Japan in general more than I ever hoped for, I also found the love of my life. The year I spent in Japan brought adventures, new friends & experiences, changed my outlook on the world and my taste in several ways (who would have known I love Matcha and Mochi Ice-cream and taking Purikuras ^^)

I wrote about my time in Japan in a blog, more of a diary really, for my family and friends, so they knew what i was up to. Now I want to write about all the things I loved in Japan: the country, the people, the food, the fashion and the quirks. I am looking forward to write from my memory as well as research and learn more about the place that will forever have a spot in heart.

My husband and I moved to Japan at the end of March 2015 and have moved first to Yokohama and now Osaka. Living in Kansai is a whole new adventure and I am looking forward to discover my new hometown..

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54 thoughts on “About

    • Thank you for reading 🙂
      I am still at the beginning but I hope that this blog will go a long way.
      Though I feel obliged to say that, although he studied in Japan, lived there a long time and speaks and acts like a Japanese, my husband is actually from Shanghai (^_^)


      • That’s quite interesting. Now, even though your man is from Shanghai, if he lived there for a long time, we can consider it to almost be the same (he acts Japanese)! Although I am curious to see if you note any differences between him to other Japanese guys (culture, habits, or anything like that.)


      • While I do note differences between him and other Japanese guys, it depends on the company we find ourselves in. If we are together with Japanese friends the differences are basically non existent. If we are however in Shanghai and together with family or chinese friends, those differences become more evident.


  1. Oh this is just Wondrous! May I ask how you originally found me to start and follow? The reason I ask is my son just moved to Japan to attend University of Toyko (nuclear Engineering) and he’s also lost his heart to japan! He’s staying. For good. Only 23 and my heart is kinda breaking. I just got back from visiting and I can certainly see why, but he’s my firstborn and I’m here in California (with my other children so I can’t really go there very often) and I miss him so much. I was wondering if somehow you knew him and that’s why you started following me? No? Probably just coincidence. Anyhow, here’s my son’s blog – – you can see from it just how much he also adores Japan. mitchellatlas.com
    Thank you for following me! It allowed me to retrace the breadcrumbs and find you. Lovely blog!


    • Hello Stephanie,
      it’s really funny, actually my follow had (for once) nothing to do with Japan 😉
      I read the post from janyceresh about the “Death of a Dishwasher” and stumbled over your comment and relating post (which was great!) and I decided to follow you (^_^)
      I can imagine that it is really hard to see him go but I hope that you will be able to visit him more often that you think.
      Best of luck!


  2. Oh hey, I am Dutch and married to a Japanese man! We used to live in Osaka, then moved to San Francisco, and now we live in a tiny English spa town named Buxton. We’ll be moving back to Japan in a few years and/or a few other countries in between or after. But like you I am in love with Japan! And my Japanese man :).


  3. Thank you for the follow. I was not married to a Japanese man, but we were together, in the US for 13 years, until he went home. I love Japan, the food, the travel….it is good to find someone else with that same love and who is blessed enough to be married as you are to the Japanese man she loves. I hope you will visit often and always feel welcomed.


  4. Looking forward to read more and now I shall be busy reading old posts. Btw where are from in Germany?
    I was never really to interested in Japan or Asia in general however I’ve been a big manga and anime nerd until few years back (actually till I got married…)
    Hoping to visit Japan at some point soon as my wife and I wanted to go there already for several years but work always got in the way


    • Thank you, same here 🙂 I very much looking forward to reading more about you and your family. Having chinese inlaws myself (which I hope I’ll be seeing a lot more of from now on) I find your stories very entertaining.
      I’m from the vicinity of Düsseldorf (where we live right now). Where did you move to?
      I hope you get around to visit Japan sometimes, I think you would find it interesting to compare it to China 😉

      Liked by 1 person

      • We moved to Neumünster in Schleswig-Holstein which is also my hometown from back in the years.
        Nothing much is here except few things I posted on the blog however when the weather is better I will try to discover more about this little city as there should be some nice things to blog about 🙂

        My wife’s little sister/ cousin lives already for a few years inTokyo as she studies there so we hope to visit her there soon


      • Oh, I know Neumünster 🙂 My grandparents lived in Elmshorn (about half an hour away) and I spend nearly all my summers there with trips to Hamburg and the vicinity.
        I’m looking forward to read more about the new discovery of your hometown 🙂


  5. Hello Fujiko, I love the name of your blog, so romantic and dreamy. Just can’t help reading it over and over again.
    And many thanks for following my blog, happy reading!


  6. There really is so much to love about this country, isn’t there. You mentioned Purikura – I’m a big fan too. 🙂 I actually get quite silly when it comes to purikura, like a kid at Christmas!

    Glad to be connected. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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